
BluePoint is the point heating system that optimizes the energy saving without loss of efficiency.
A system that ensures traffic regularity, and uses the latest technology to heat only when it is needed.
BluePoint gives a energy saving of 40-80%

Waether station on control cubicle

The energy ladder shows the dynamics of the BluePoint heating system control modes. The futher down the ladder, the more energy is saved.

40-80% Energy Savings

You can save energy and reduce CO2 emission by using the BluePoint system. BluePoint saves between 40-80% of the energy used by a typical existing installation.

BluePoint Stays Efficient

The BluePoint heating system offers a high level of energy savings without loosing any efficiency in critical weather situations.

Energy Conservation

Traditional points heating systems waste energy heating rails during cold hours - when it is not snowing. The traditional systems heat for many hours in preparation for eventual snow.

The BluePoint heating system uses weather forecasting to reduce unnecessary heating. This method is very cost efficient.

Control Modes

BluePoint can adapt to any kind of weather situation and secures optimized heating and energy saving,
because of the weather dependent control modes.

Weather Input

To make the right choice of control mode the controller reads important inputs from:

  • Weather Forecast
  • Heated Rail Temperature
  • Cold Rail Temperature
  • Air Temperature
  • Snow (Precipitation)
  • Wind Speed

Weather Forecast

Every hour the BluePoint heating system receives weather forecast. The forecast covers a very small geographical area, and the time frame is only +1, +2 and +3 hours ahead. The forecast is refined to deliver data about critical winter weather.

Every Degree and Minute Counts

Heating up the rails takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy. For energy saving purposes it is evident that the system should only heat just enough to clear the ice and snow situation and only heat when it is required. Every single
degree of less heating and every minute without heating, saves energy and reduces costs.

Start Saving Energy and reduce CO2

Our team is ready to help you:

  • Create a Business Case: Calculate your potential energy savings
  • Present References: Present comparable reference installations
  • Test: Propose a design and a test program, including cloud SCADA software
  • Price Proposal: Present an offer based on your requirements
  • Start saving energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

Start saving energy - start the dialog

Frank Islin

Product Manager, Railway

Direct phone: +45 4838 0244

Kim Weidick

Project Manager, Railway

Direct phone: +45 3030 2047