

Business Areas

Control Cubicles

With our SAN System Blue Point we offer you an energy efficient power control of the electrical switch point heating. The System Blue Point control system secures reliable railway traffic through the switch points under snow or icing conditions, using a minimum of energy.

Blue Point SCADA Software

Weather intelligence

BLUE POINT do not only respond to weather measurements and rail temperatures but also short term local weather forecast. Forecast received by wireless communication.

With the System Blue Point we offer a wide range of different control cubicles ranging from small stand alone heating systems to large intelligent weather controlled solutions with a complete SCADA software package.

The essential part of our control solutions is the rock solid RTU (Remote Telemetric Unit). This is an intelligent device, programmed to control the power. The calculations are based on individual parameter settings and multiple inputs such as the local weather, weather forecast, rail temperature etc.

With System Blue Point Control Cubicles you get:

A rock solid modular control system

Thousands of successful installations world wide proves the stability and reliability of the system.

Reliable winter railway traffic

Get the error messages about missing heating in critical switches instantly and react in time.

Energy saving 40-70 percent

With the intelligent controller, you only heat the switches when it is needed. This gives you a fast return on investment.

Energy management

Energy counters for every switch combined with stored weather information make optimization easy.

Reduction of maintenance cost

You can easily bundle and prioritize the service and maintenance calls due to the online switch point information.

Installation cost savings

When using the System Blue Point you can use the existing communication installations, and thus you do not need to have new installations.

Easy adoption

Install your System Blue Point as a stand alone application or integrate with an existing SCADA system.


Member of NIBE Group

SAN Electro Heat a/s was founded in 1950 in Copenhagen. Today we are situated in North Sealand and we are part of the Swedish NIBE Group.

Contact us

Gillelejevej 30b
DK-3230, Graested, Denmark

CVR: 42165913

Tel.: +45 4839 8888
Fax: +45 4839 8898
[email protected]